Santa…forget it!


So you know how there are times when you plan out an event out in your head and it seems flawless. You figure that all that planning will make for a fun and enjoyable adventure… and then when that event takes place everything seems to fall apart and you’re left wondering where you went so wrong. Well this is exactly what happened yesterday during our Holiday Fun outing on the Woodstock Square. Please, let me explain.











In my head I figured we would take advantage of all the Square had to offer including a Christmas tree walk in the Opera house, a horse drawn carriage ride, a visit to Santa’s hut, some hot chocolate, viewing some sled dogs and the lights lit all around the square. Fun, yeah? What I didn’t figure on was the 25 degrees plus wind and the long ass line to see Santa which was our first (and only) activity. My kids didn’t have boots on. They didn’t have long underwear. They froze. I suck. But we made it to the front of the damn line and miraculously I had revived the kids’ sour mood.









They look thrilled…right?









That’s slightly better. Bring on the fat man!

And then Mrs. Clause open the door to let us in and we all proceeded to walk inside. All of us except for Lilly, that is, who booked it the hell out of there as fast as possible. She ran screaming and crying from the hut before even entering while Odin walked right in with Grandma Maggie and Aunt Kathryn. I started cracking up and yelling for Lilly to stop running and telling her she didn’t have to see Santa. She didn’t give a shit what I said. The girl wouldn’t stop and I wasn’t wearing appropriate shoes to quickly chase down a traumatized child. She made it at least 100 yards before I closed in and took her down. Where the hell is the candid camera when you need one? Laughing, I carried Lilly past the line of gaping parents and anxious children into the hut because I wanted to see Odin with Santa. I missed their interaction but thankfully my SIL took pics.









This is the best we got. “Not too close!” is what I envision Odin’s reaction to be though he did answer Santa’s questions.









Lilly wouldn’t look at Santa or the camera but I made Kathryn take a pic of us anyways. She looks like she’s almost recovered from her freak out by this point. And hey, mom’s having a ton of fun!

Upon leaving Santa’s Hut we walked over to see the Christmas trees but when we walked in Odin had a melt down because he just wanted to go on a carriage ride and Lilly had a melt down because… because… because… In her defense, she was a popsicle and the promises of fun had led nowhere.  I made the executive decision to leave the square and lured them into the idea of going to Grandma Maggie’s for some hot tubbing and dinner.









This is the hot mess that I eventually dragged home. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

**We’re going to try the whole Santa thing again next weekend when we have Breakfast with Santa at the Country Club. I just love traumatizing my children. They’ll have a lot to tell their therapists one day.

One response »

  1. You are a great trooper Colleen. Just roll with the punches. What else can you do? There are days they will just amaze you and days you just say, “Ho Hum.” I still feel that way with mine but I do love ’em to death even though they love to point out MY faults. Just think of all their faults I had to put up with as they were growing up!! (hehe) You are such a GREAT mom. Those kiddies are very lucky to have you. =)

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